Clean Up The Beauty Pantry

Welcome to the Beauty Journals, a literary journey of nourishment and pure pleasure, to share with you wellbeing and organic skincare advice, eco living tips, to educate and empower ethically minded and eco-conscious women, as we introduce you to our fantastic finds from many local creative souls

les petits secrets to Toxic Beauty

Is it time to clean out your beauty pantry?

Now more then ever we need to keep our beauty toxic free. Health and beauty are deeply connected with our environment. While modern society has brought many achievements to our lives it has also flooded the world with pollutants that not only challenges our environment but our health as well.  Sadly, over time, high consumer convenience, mass production and pretty fragrances have seen our personal care products become chemically dependent. 

There are plenty of good reasons why, in a world increasingly filled with internal and external inflammation, what you eat, what you breathe and what you put on your skin, as a delivery system for nutrients is very important. Choosing organic is healthier for our Planet, Body and Soul.


As we grow, our reliance on nature increases, by supporting organic farming we can work towards sustainability with the natural ecosystems, wildlife conservation and public health. 

Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by eliminating the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful chemicals polluting our waters. By using composting systems that rely on a modern and scientific understanding of ecology, it naturally feeds our soils important elements increasing survival of the ecosystem.

Another important factor in sustainability is reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the Australian economy. While some brands may import elements of their products using fair trade where possible, encourage responsible enterprise to enhance our lives for future generations, remedying the impact of global warming on civilization.

As People alive today, we must consider future generations: a clean environment is a human right like any other. It is therefore part of our responsibility toward others to ensure that the world we pass on to others is as healthy, if not healthier then we found it”. –Dalai Lama. 


The skin is the body’s largest organ. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered our “third lung.” One of its noblest functions is efficient absorption and elimination, it has the distinction of being the first line of defense for our immune system and an active interface between our bodies and the environment.

In such a multi-branded, industrialised system, we live in today, it becomes harder to navigate shopping for ‘natural’ cosmetics, seeing the average woman apply hundreds of toxic chemical a day on her skin. 

Most mainstream cosmetic products are comprised of Synthetic Fragrance which is a potent endocrine disrupter and Parabens, a low-cost synthetic preservative, believed to have an estrogenic impact on the body. Phthalates, are plasticising ingredients found in many personal care items as well as GMO, Nano particles, hormones, antibiotics, artificial color, TEA’s, DEA’s, Sulfates, Formaldehyde, and other highly processed otherwise inferior substances. 

Over time as our skin tries to cope with foreign substances, becoming overburdened and weak, susceptible to damage by free radicals causing dryness, sensitivities and allergies, as the chemicals slowly accumulate in the system and rob us of longevity. 

Before synthetic chemicals existed, nature was used to heal and nurture, the skins biological structure is designed to recognize and utilize organic ingredients full of vitamins and mineral and a high level of antioxidants to lessen the toxic burden on your mind and body.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Hippocrates

For more information on the toxicity profile of ingredients visit Dirty Dozen of Toxic Ingredients or Environmental Working Group’s website, Skin Deep,

Shop with confidence

For ageless beauté & Paisible

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