Nutra Organics Superfood -Lunar Latte 100g


Reishi, Dreamy Botanicals, Ayervedic Moon Milk CO, V, GF, DF

A night time nourishing moon milk. Lunar Latte is a blissful blend of vibrant purple carrot, traditional Chinese adaptogens and organic floral botanicals to make a Moon Milk potion to help relax before bed. Smooth vanilla tones combined with caramel notes of mesquite and a subtle hint of pink Himalayan crystal salt compliment the delicate bouquet to deliver a delicious pre-bedtime indulgence and healthy dessert drink alternative.

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What’s so dreamy about it?

Chamomile, Lavender and Passionflower taste like a floral laced dream but also have a long history of use by herbalists for their naturally calming perfume. We have combined these delicate botanicals with Ayurvedic Ashwagandha and ancient Chinese adaptogenic herbs He Shou Wu and Reishi mushroom, making Lunar Latte the perfect way to unwind before bed.

Lunar Latte is coloured like a soft lavender field due to the natural purple pigment from the anthocyanins (antioxidants) found in purple carrot. Lunar Latte doesn’t contain any added sugar or sweetener, so say goodbye to the restlessness from sugar highs right before bed.


Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin* (Prebiotic Fibre), New Zealand Purple Carrot (19 %), Tapioca Starch*, Peruvian Mesquite*, Dreamy Botanicals (11 %) (Chamomile Flowers*, Lavender Buds*, Passionflower Aerials*, Ashwagandha Root*), Natural Flavour (Vanilla Bean Extract), Pink Himalayan Salt.

*Certified Organic Ingredients

Allergen Warning: 

Manufactured in a facility that also processes products containing tree nuts, milk, eggs, sesame, fish, shellfish, soy and lupin. 


1. Add 2 heaped teaspoons (6 g) to a little hot milk of choice.

2. Stir to combine, then add remaining milk to make 200 mL. Optional: add maple syrup or local honey for extra sweetness.


Why are there herby floaters in my cup?

Firstly, if you are finding that your Lunar Latte has some raminents of ground herb floating in it –  CONGRATS! This means you have got some of the freshest organic herbs around in your night-time indulgence! Your Lunar Latte is definitely more than suitable to consume. Those naturally occurring “stringy bits” are actually just mucilage (or fibre) from freshly ground organic Chamomile herb (no fake extracts here). Upon heating, mucilage is naturally released from the herb and can coagulate a little forming little floaters as the drink cools down again. One way we suggest avoiding this is to only warm your milk, don’t over heat it, and drink it as soon as it is a suitable temperature for you. This mucilage will most likely sit on the bottom of the cup, so once mixed in, you might also wish to avoid excessive stirring. Otherwise you can also avoid this by frothing your milk. That said, as Chamomile is a natural herb, it will also vary in the amount of mucilage from batch to batch, so one Lunar Latte may contain more mucilage than another.

Why is there only a small amount of adaptogenic herbs in Lunar Latte?

You might be wondering why we decided to only add a little amount of the traditional adaptogenic herbs into Lunar Latte, and we’re glad you asked because there are a few very good reasons why.

Firstly, Lunar Latte is a food product, it is not designed to be therapeutic in any way and is not to be associated with the likes of therapeutic supplements, therefore we do not include naturopathic herbs in therapeutic amounts, only traditionally supportive amounts.

Nutra Organics also takes the safety of our products very seriously and we want to ensure that our products are suitable for all consumers without any issues of unwanted interactions or adverse effects. This is why we have a qualified herbalist advising on the quantities of our herbs when included in recipes. This is particularly important for when we consider our pregnant and breastfeeding consumers as well as children who should not consume some herbs in large quantities.

Lastly, as per Naturopathic traditional knowledge, our herbalist understands that more isn’t always more when it comes to some herbs, and in fact, adaptogenic herbs in particular will actually have a greater long-term benefit when taken in very small amounts regularly as opposed to large amounts.

Aside from only containing supportive amounts of adaptogenic herbs, Lunar Latte does contain somewhat larger amounts of traditionally calming herbs such as chamomile and lavender that can help to promote relaxation prior to bed purely by their scent alone, which is just one part of their traditional beneficial properties. 

However we don’t promote it as a sleep inducer or to treat any specific health condition.

Will I feel drowsy the next day after drinking Lunar Latte?

Absolutely not. Lunar Latte is in no way comparable to a strong pharmaceutical that may cause you to feel drowsy the next day.  Lunar Latte is only a supportive food product, containing Chamomile as the only “active” herb which with its  traditional calming aroma may assist in promoting a sense of relaxation prior to bed, but it is not strong enough to cause excessive drowsiness. 

Can Lunar Latte cure my insomnia?

Nutra Organics is currently a food company that creates products solely for the purpose of nourishing our bodies with organic, high quality health foods. Therefore we do not promote any of our products to have a specific therapeutic effect or benefit, including Lunar Latte. Lunar Latte is not suitable for any therapeutic purpose, including but not limited to the treatment of any ailment such as insomnia. For further information regarding this or any concerns you may have regarding Lunar Latte and a specific health condition we recommend consulting your primary physician.  

Is Lunar Latte suitable for pregnancy, breastfeeding and for my children to consume?

Yes, Lunar Latte is suitable for all members of the family. With traditional mild chamomile (as found in chamomile tea) as the only “active” ingredient, all other naturopathic herbs included in the blend are present only in a traditionally supportive amount, roughly 100 x less than the amount required to produce any therapeutic effect. Further, as we choose to only use whole herbs (no concentrated extracts) there is no concern for any member of the family to consume Lunar Latte. 

Are the adaptogenic and hypnotic herbs extracts or whole herbs?

Here at Nutra Organics, it is of the utmost importance to us that all members of the family can enjoy majority of our products and that where possible, we use the most “whole” form of the ingredient available. Therefore we do not utilise herbal extracts in any of our products. This means not only are our products more wholesome, they are suitable for all members of the family to consume. 

What makes Lunar Latte purple?

Lunar Latte contains refractance window dried New Zealand purple carrot. This means that our purple carrot retains the highest amount of anthocyanins (the purple pigments) possible in a dried product and make our Lunar Latte a dazzling purple colour. However, as carrots are a natural product, of course, as with any other fruit or vegetable, there are seasonal variances which may result with more or less purple at times. The exact colour of the latte will also vary slightly depending on the type of milk used. ie. greyish almond milk might make your latte darker than when made with white full cream milk. However, rest assured that your latte will taste beautiful no matter how purple the purple is.

Is Lunar Latte vegan?

Yes, Lunar Latte is vegan when prepared in a plant based milk. 

What does Lunar Latte taste like?

Lunar Latte is very different to our other superfood latte’s in terms of flavour as it is not chai based. Lunar Latte tastes like a vanilla latte dream with mild floral and caramel undertones from the honey-like aromatics of chamomile and mesquite.  

Are there any allergy or dietary concerns with the consumption of Lunar Latte?

If you suffer an allergy to flowers, particularly of the Asteraceae family or carrots, we recommend steering clear of Lunar Latte. Otherwise it is vegan and gluten-free friendly. It is manufactured in a facility that also processes products containing fish, shellfish, eggs, soy, tree nuts, lupin and sesame.


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